Effect pedals for bass players – part 1

Tips & tricksThe majority of effect pedals are made for guitarists and therefore, many bass players fear the contact with the small (and sometimes big) devices that can add a special character to the sound.
In the first part of this two-part series, I would like to present some effect categories, every bass player can use without taking any risks. In the second part, we will have a closer look on effects, that require a bit more sensitivity.
So, boys and girls behind the fat strings: go for it! Continue reading “Effect pedals for bass players – part 1”

Ambient pedalboard setup

Ask the DudeSeveral times, people asked me, how to assemble the perfect ambient pedalboard.
For this reason, I would like to sketch my very personal design of my pedalboard for ambient and soundscaping sounds in this article. Continue reading “Ambient pedalboard setup”

Ask the Dude: Modulation effects – analog dry through yes or no?

Ask the DudeQuestion to the Dude:

“I decided to spend a bit more money for a pedalboard and to buy a Gigrig G2 and, beside others, a Strymon Timeline. I am almost sure, that the analog dry through function makes a decisive difference regarding the dry signal.
Here is my question: Is it true, that modulation effects can not really deal with analog dry through and phasing problems may occur? Continue reading “Ask the Dude: Modulation effects – analog dry through yes or no?”

Ross Compressor Reissue

Ross CompressorThe legendary, grey Ross Compressor is quite popular at the moment, although probably only few have ever used it.

Initially, Ross effects were pretty unfamiliar.
But as Trey Anastasio (Phish) once discovered the Ross Compressor for himself, it became popular. Continue reading “Ross Compressor Reissue”

Tips & Tricks: Tape delay sounds without a tape?

Tips & tricksThe charm of tape delays is unique, and their digital emulations are pretty popular.

But what makes this tape echo sound and is it possible to get this sound without a tape echo emulation? Continue reading “Tips & Tricks: Tape delay sounds without a tape?”

Tips & Tricks: Power for pedals – 9V or more?

Multi-NetzteilTo almost all producers of guitar effect pedals 9V still is the one and only standard. But who has set this norm? And is 9V really the best option for effect pedals? Continue reading “Tips & Tricks: Power for pedals – 9V or more?”

Transparent Overdrives- The perfect Low Gain Sound

In many forums all over the world guitarist are searching for the “transparent overdrive”. But what is meant by this and does a transparent overdrive make sense?

Ibanez TS-9 TubescreamerTubescreamer

Tubscreamer and similar overdrives place great emphasis on the mids. This kind of overdrive is appropriate as an additional booster to an amplifier that is already overdriven. By creating haunting mids the sound of the guitar becomes more assertive and will be perceived much more in the context of the band as a whole. Continue reading “Transparent Overdrives- The perfect Low Gain Sound”

Compressor Shootout

Part 1:

This is a comparison of the following five different compressor pedals:

The riff has been recorded on a Boss Looper .

Part 2: