During the breaks in playing, a slight hiss can be heard. This is because I used the compressor of the Roland SP-404MKII, switched off the noise gate to avoid choppy guitar tones and missed to turn up the master volume a bit. With the correct settings, you can reduce the hissing in the periods you are not playing/ recording, which of course can no longer be heard in the finished song. Since I first have to get used to this super extensive device, I’ve already made this mistake for you so that you don’t have to make it yourself 😉
Category: Sound like
Which pedal should I get? Deluxe Memory Man: Big Box or XO version?
A reader’s question:
I need the help of a specialist regarding the Deluxe Memory Man:
To me, the sound of Ben McLeod (All Them Witches) is brilliant and I would love to recreate it.
Luckily, the guy offers several rig rundowns online, so it ought to be an easy project…. That’s what I thought first. Continue reading “Which pedal should I get? Deluxe Memory Man: Big Box or XO version?”
Andy Timmons and the Strymon Timeline
A reader’s question to the Dude:
I am a big Andy Timmons fan and I know that Andy uses a Strymon Timeline as substitute for a dual EHX Deluxe Memory Man. Can you help me regarding the setting? Continue reading “Andy Timmons and the Strymon Timeline”
Sound like: Amber Run
For some time, the British band Amber is no longer an insider’s tip and songs like “I found” and “no answers” are definitively high-class tunes.
But their pedalboards also offer some cuties that will make the hearts of guitarists beat faster. Continue reading “Sound like: Amber Run”
Sound like: Balthazar
To me, Balthazar have been one of the major discoveries for the past years. First, I joined one of their concerts as a supporting- act of the Editors and I must confess: I was totally amazed.
The sound as well as the style of this band is unique and hard to describe – therefore, just click here and listen.
In this article, I would like to present the bands’ equipment which is so decisive for their sound. Continue reading “Sound like: Balthazar”
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