Empress Echosystem Freezification vs. Gamechanger Audio PLUS Pedal

This is a comparison of the Freezification-mode of the Empress Echosystem with the Gamechanger Audio PLUS Pedal.
In this comparison, I used different times for attack and release and altered the adjustment of the tone pot in the different sound files to create varying tonal colorings.
Especially in the second file you will hear the sonic difference between the PLUS Pedals and the Echosystem. While the PLUS Pedal puts the layers on top of each other and fades out more fluently, the current signal of the Echosystem fades out completely before the next sound wave arises. Depending on the style of playing, this difference regarding the blend effect can be used quite purposefully.

1:39 Kill dry/Wet only + dark, natural sustain Continue reading “Empress Echosystem Freezification vs. Gamechanger Audio PLUS Pedal”

7 Questions to Ilja Krumins (Gamechanger Audio) – The Interview

This time the “7 questions to …”- interview comes around on video.

Here are 7 questions to Ilja Krumins from Gamechanger Audio.

Many thanks to Ilja for the interview.

And for those, who are looking for one of these georgeous guitars you can see in this video, just click here.

Gamechanger Audio Motor Synth – Is Ilja going to destroy the speaker?

Ilja Krumins from Gamechanger Audio explains at the Superbooth 2019 how the Motor Synth works and gives a demo of how the Motor Synth may sound like.

Find out if Ilja is going to destroy the speaker.

Many thanks to Ilja for the interview.

Gamechanger Audio Plus Pedal vs. Electro Harmonix Freeze

This is a comparsion of Gamechanger Audio Plus Pedal vs. Electro Harmonix Freeze.
Both pedals are pretty suitable to create innovative and creative sounds.

gear: Fender Telecaster, Fender Tweed Champ, Celestion G12M, Shure SM57, Cubase.