Fender Reverb Amp: Hum-elimination

My Silverface Fender Princeton Reverb was humming as soon as I turned on the Reverb. I could exclude numerous sources of error. Then I found out, that the mass-copperplate did not have sufficient contact to the chassis. By tightening the nut of the input I could eliminate this fault. This is the video:

The reason for GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome)

PedalboardGAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome): the steady longing for new equipment. Many know this pretty well: although you are a proud owner of numerous pedals, guitars and amplifiers you rummage through music stores, magazines and forums. Could the overdrive XY may sound much better in my setup than my old one does? Continue reading “The reason for GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome)”

Tips & Tricks: Booster as a tone enhancer

Tips & tricksNowadays many guitarists swear by true bypass. As I already told you in the article “Buffer vs True Bypass”, a good buffer or booster has many advantages (especially for large pedalboards). Continue reading “Tips & Tricks: Booster as a tone enhancer”

Luxor / Jen Cry Baby Wah

Die ersten Cry Baby Wahs wurden in Pescara (Italien) hergestellt. Anschließend wurden die Effekte unter verschiedenen Labels wie z.B. Vox, Jen, Arbiter oder Luxor verkauft.

Die bekanntesten Spulen der Vintage Wahs sind: Halo-Spule, Stack of Dimes und die Red Fasel.

Vintage Wah Effekt

Vintage WahHier möchte ich das Luxor Wah vorstellen. Es ist aus den 70ern und verfügt über eine Red Fasel Spule,

Das Vintage Wah liefert den typischen Hendrix-, Bonamassa- Vintage Sound. Continue reading “Luxor / Jen Cry Baby Wah”

Silizium Fuzz

Silicon Fuzz

Silizium Fuzz

The circuit is based on the legendary SI Fuzz of the 70s and creates the classical Hendrix-Sound.

I only used the best parts and NOS Mullard “Tropical Fish” Condensators.

Eric Johnson swears on silicon Fuzz pedals with BC183 Transistors.


This is a Soundfile of the pedal:


  • true bypass
  • turret Board “point to point” wired
  • NOS Mullard “Tropical Fish” Cap / Condensator
  • carbon comp resistors
  • BC108/BC183 silicon transistors
  • Alpha Pots
  • 9V power supply and batteryclip
  • stable Hammond enclosure
  • worn gold/white paintwork
  • Price: 129,-
  • Contact: delaydude@delaydude.detrue bypass

Continue reading “Silizium Fuzz”

Vox lil´ Night Train vs AC15

Amp Comparison: Vox lil´ Night Train vs AC15

For this video I recorded one song with the Vox lil´ Night Train as well as the AC15. Both amplifiers have been recorded by the same speaker  (Celestion G12M Greenback).

The lil´ Night Train is a really good recording amp that creates the typical Vox sound.



Continue reading “Vox lil´ Night Train vs AC15”

Ask the Dude: True Bypass vs. Buffer

Ask the Dude“True bypass” – I guess, there is no term that is mentioned more frequently relating to the presentation of a new pedal. What does “true bypass” mean and does it have any advantages? Continue reading “Ask the Dude: True Bypass vs. Buffer”

Klon Centaur Clone

Do they sound identically? Which one is most close to the original?

Klon CentaurThe prices for an original “Klon Centaur” are rising constantly. Recently I found a golden Klon on Italian ebay for 2100,- €. And to keep it in mind: this one, of course was in used condition and without box. Continue reading “Klon Centaur Clone”

Electro Harmonix Deluxe Memory Boy

Electro Harmonix Deluxe Memory Boy

Deluxe Memory BoyDelay Dude Demo: Electro Harmonix – Deluxe Memory Boy

This shootout of the analog delay “Deluxe Memory Boy” by Electro Harmonix shows extraordinary sounds, which can be created with this pedal. Amongst other things I create tremolo- and pitch-sounds. In addition I use a POG and a tremolo in the effectloop of the Deluxe Memory boy.

Continue reading “Electro Harmonix Deluxe Memory Boy”