Gamechanger Audio AUTO Delay: Demo & comparison

This is a demo and a comparison of the brilliant Gamechanger Audio AUTO Delay. The Gamechanger Audio AUTO Delay is a very special kind of delay pedal. In addition to the classic delay sounds, it is the dynamic modulation in particular that can be created in a completely new way for guitarists. The modulation is created depending on the pitch or sound, for example, and can be routed by using small patch cables.

Besides a demo of the Gamechanger Audio AUTO Delay you will also get a comparison of the AUTO Delay with the Wampler Faux Tape Echo, the MXR Carbon Copy Deluxe and the Boss SDE-3.

Which pedal should I get: Walrus Audio ARP 87 or DOD Rubberneck?

Recently, I received the following request:
I moved on from a DOD Rubberneck due to its size, and I am considering a Walrus Audio ARP 87. I would really like a full analog delay in small size, but the Chase Bliss Audio is way above my budget and I didn’t really like the JHS Panther Cub in relation to its price.
Is there any other delay you would recommend? I want something with tap tempo and a small footprint… Continue reading “Which pedal should I get: Walrus Audio ARP 87 or DOD Rubberneck?”

My favorite analog delays (2020)

Because of the numerous requests regarding my favorite delays, I tried to figure out my top delays. In this second part, I present my favorite analog delays.
The order of the delays within the respective group or video is no ranking for I am unable to tell which of them I like best. Thus, the presentation is according to the alphabetical order of their names.

0:04 MXR Carbon Copy Deluxe Continue reading “My favorite analog delays (2020)”

Budget Delays Part I

Ask the DudeThere is an enormous number of nice delay pedals and there is one within everyone’s price range.
Regarding the budget area, you will also find a lot of good delay pedals, analog ones as well as tape emulations and digital delays.

In this three-part series, I would like to present some delays of all three sections that are available for ridiculous prices. Continue reading “Budget Delays Part I”

Maxon AD-900

Maxon AD900The Maxon AD-900 is definitively not a pedalboard-friendly delay. But this analog wonder does not need to be space-saving. It offers up to 600ms of maximum delay time. At the time of its construction, an absolutely phenomenal duration. Continue reading “Maxon AD-900”

Electro Harmonix Deluxe Memory Man vs. DOD Rubberneck

This is a comparison of the Electro Harmonix Deluxe Memory Man with the DOD Rubberneck.
Find out mor about the sonic possibilities like brighter and darker repeats, modulation and the sound of these two analog delays in the mix.

Adjustments for the Rubberneck
0:10 tone at noon Continue reading “Electro Harmonix Deluxe Memory Man vs. DOD Rubberneck”

Malekko Ekko 616/ Ekko 616 MKII

Malekko EkkoThe Malekko Ekko 616 as well as its improved version, the Ekko 616 MKII is a pedalboard-friendly analog delay. Continue reading “Malekko Ekko 616/ Ekko 616 MKII”

Erica Synths Zen Delay vs. DOD Rubberneck

This is a comparison of the DOD Rubberneck with the Erica Synths Zen Delay
For both delays do not have true bypass, I used a true bypass looper (Lehle Parallel) for the audio recording.
The Zen Delay does not provide an analog mode. Via the filter settings, I formed an analog-like sound in the digital delay mode. And the Rubberneck is, what it is: a great dark and gritty analog delay.

0:09 band pass filter (Zen Delay)
tone at noon (Rubberneck) Continue reading “Erica Synths Zen Delay vs. DOD Rubberneck”

AnalogMan ARDX20 vs. Maxon AD-900 – Analog delay comparison

This is a comparison of the AnalogMan ARDX20 with the Maxon AD-900.
These both analog delays create a rather dark sound. They are about the same size, but for the AnalogMan ARDX20 comes along with the Amazeo, it will need a bit more space on the pedalboard. Therefore, you will additionally get tap tempo and modulation.
Sonically both delay pedals are based on the Ibanez AD-9.
For the Maxon AD-9 does not provide modulation, I forego showing this feature of the AnalogMan ARDX20. Find out more about the sound of different delay times and how both pedals may sound in the mix.

0:07 about 600ms delay time (max. delay time of the AD-900)
1:02 shorter delay time Continue reading “AnalogMan ARDX20 vs. Maxon AD-900 – Analog delay comparison”

Review: Erica Synths – Zen Delay Part II

Zen delayActually, Erica Synths are famous for modular synthesizers. But the Zen Delay is a delay pedal that could be really interesting for guitarists.

I got the chance for an extensive testing and here, I would like to present the second of two parts of the review. Continue reading “Review: Erica Synths – Zen Delay Part II”

Erica Synths Zen Delay with a guitar

This is a demo of the Erica Synths Zen Delay.
Initially, it has been designed for synthesizer players. But it is absolutely recommendable for guitarists.
Learn more about the extensive functions, filters and the different modes of this awesome pedal.

gear: Fender Telecaster, Fender Tweed Champ, Celestion G12M, Shure SM57, Cubase, Evidence Audio SIS Cables.

0:01 tape mode Continue reading “Erica Synths Zen Delay with a guitar”

Review: Erica Synths – Zen Delay Part I

Zen delayActually, Erica Synths are famous for modular synthesizers. But the Zen Delay is a delay pedal that could be really interesting for guitarists.

I got the chance for an extensive testing and here, I would like to present the first of two parts of the review. Continue reading “Review: Erica Synths – Zen Delay Part I”

AnalogMan ARDX20 vs. DOD Rubberneck – Analog delay comparison

This is a comparison of the AnalogMan ARDX20 with the DOD Rubberneck.
These both analog delays create a rather dark sound. Each of them provides modulation and – if you also use the Amazeo for the ARDX20- also tap tempo.
Find out more about the sound of different delay times and how both pedals may sound in the mix.

0:07 Rubberneck with tone and gain at 12 o’clock Continue reading “AnalogMan ARDX20 vs. DOD Rubberneck – Analog delay comparison”

Maxon AD 9 Pro

Maxon ad 9 proLike its predecessor, the Ibanez AD 9, the Maxon AD 9 Pro is also a pedalboard-friendly analog delay. Continue reading “Maxon AD 9 Pro”