Gamechanger Audio AUTO Delay: Demo & comparison

This is a demo and a comparison of the brilliant Gamechanger Audio AUTO Delay. The Gamechanger Audio AUTO Delay is a very special kind of delay pedal. In addition to the classic delay sounds, it is the dynamic modulation in particular that can be created in a completely new way for guitarists. The modulation is created depending on the pitch or sound, for example, and can be routed by using small patch cables.

Besides a demo of the Gamechanger Audio AUTO Delay you will also get a comparison of the AUTO Delay with the Wampler Faux Tape Echo, the MXR Carbon Copy Deluxe and the Boss SDE-3.

Superbooth 2022 – A review

This year’s Superbooth was a complete success and there were numerous live acts, vintage gear, VIPs and several launches.
Sunny days at the FEZ in Berlin: The Superbooth inside of the building, partly in tends and outside area, sprayed some kind of the character of a festival. And the atmosphere was absolutely brilliant. Continue reading “Superbooth 2022 – A review”

Superbooth 21


After a long time of waiting, the next SUPERBOOTH will take place from 15 to 18 September 2021 in Berlin.
In 2020 the SUPERBOOTH had to be cancelled, but this year the world of synth will be back in the FEZ in Berlin again. Continue reading “Superbooth 21”

Empress Echosystem Freezification vs. Gamechanger Audio PLUS Pedal

This is a comparison of the Freezification-mode of the Empress Echosystem with the Gamechanger Audio PLUS Pedal.
In this comparison, I used different times for attack and release and altered the adjustment of the tone pot in the different sound files to create varying tonal colorings.
Especially in the second file you will hear the sonic difference between the PLUS Pedals and the Echosystem. While the PLUS Pedal puts the layers on top of each other and fades out more fluently, the current signal of the Echosystem fades out completely before the next sound wave arises. Depending on the style of playing, this difference regarding the blend effect can be used quite purposefully.

1:39 Kill dry/Wet only + dark, natural sustain Continue reading “Empress Echosystem Freezification vs. Gamechanger Audio PLUS Pedal”

Effect pedals for bass players – part 2

Tips & tricksThe majority of effect pedals are made for guitarists and therefore, many bass players fear the contact with the small (and sometimes big) devices that can add a special character to the sound.
In the first part of this two-part series, I already presented some effect categories, every bass player can use without taking any risks. In this second part, we will have a closer look on effects, that require a bit more sensitivity.
So, boys and girls behind the fat strings: go for it! Continue reading “Effect pedals for bass players – part 2”

Ambient pedalboard setup

Ask the DudeSeveral times, people asked me, how to assemble the perfect ambient pedalboard.
For this reason, I would like to sketch my very personal design of my pedalboard for ambient and soundscaping sounds in this article. Continue reading “Ambient pedalboard setup”

+ + + Effect pedals at Summer NAMM 2019 News +++

NewsCompared to the Winter NAMM most musicians perceive the Summer NAMM somehow inconspicuous. Nevertheless, some interesting innovations have been presented this summer.
Here, I would like to present a list of my highlights regarding the world of effect pedals. Continue reading “+ + + Effect pedals at Summer NAMM 2019 News +++”

7 Questions to Ilja Krumins (Gamechanger Audio) – The Interview

This time the “7 questions to …”- interview comes around on video.

Here are 7 questions to Ilja Krumins from Gamechanger Audio.

Many thanks to Ilja for the interview.

And for those, who are looking for one of these georgeous guitars you can see in this video, just click here.

The Gamechanger Audio Motor Synth pre-order has started

motor synthOnce again, the guys from Gamechanger Audio are keeping what their name promises: The Motor Synth is another game changing invention from Latvia.
Recently, I met Gamechanger Audio at the SUPERBOOTH in Berlin and Ilja told me the latest news about the Motor Synth. Continue reading “The Gamechanger Audio Motor Synth pre-order has started”

Gamechanger Audio Motor Synth – Is Ilja going to destroy the speaker?

Ilja Krumins from Gamechanger Audio explains at the Superbooth 2019 how the Motor Synth works and gives a demo of how the Motor Synth may sound like.

Find out if Ilja is going to destroy the speaker.

Many thanks to Ilja for the interview.

SUPERBOOTH Berlin 2019

SuperboothThe number of patch cables was almost countless and the music to a large extend digital. But nevertheless, the SUPERBOOTH, which took place in Berlin for the fourth time, had to offer also interesting innovations for the guitar gear lovers. Continue reading “SUPERBOOTH Berlin 2019”

News + + + SUPERBOOTH 2019 + + +

Superbooth 19From May 9th to May 11th the SUPERBOOTH is back in Berlin. The exhibition for electronic music offers various presentations and DIY workshops. Continue reading “News + + + SUPERBOOTH 2019 + + +”

Gamechanger Audio Plus Pedal vs. Electro Harmonix Superego

This is a comparison of the Gamechanger Audio Plus Pedal with the Electro Harmonix Superego.
In the first part you will hear the wet signal only.
The last part offers sounds ot the respective special modes of both pedals (layers mode of the Plus Pedal/ Gliss effect of the Superego).

gear: Fender Telecaster, Fender Tweed Champ, Celestion G12M, Shure SM57, Cubase.

Which pedal should I get: Electro Harmonix Freeze vs. Gamechanger Audio Plus Pedal?

During the last years, two pedals have been put on the market which are especially interesting for sound scaping and ambient fans.
In principle, both effects are quite similar.
The Gamechanger Audio Plus Pedal, as well as the Electro Harmonix Freeze are so-called sustain-pedals, that are able to record and reproduce single notes or parts of chords via an integrated looper. Continue reading “Which pedal should I get: Electro Harmonix Freeze vs. Gamechanger Audio Plus Pedal?”

Gamechanger Audio Plus Pedal vs. Electro Harmonix Freeze

This is a comparsion of Gamechanger Audio Plus Pedal vs. Electro Harmonix Freeze.
Both pedals are pretty suitable to create innovative and creative sounds.

gear: Fender Telecaster, Fender Tweed Champ, Celestion G12M, Shure SM57, Cubase.