Save the date: SUPERBOOTH 2022

Hard to believe, but true: the time has come! Finally, an event we didn’t have to wait for forever because the SUPERBOOTH by Schneiders Laden actually takes place in May.
From the 12th of May to the 14th of May, the FEZ in Berlin opens its doors, gates and outdoor facilities for the fans of electronic music from all over the world. Continue reading “Save the date: SUPERBOOTH 2022”

Meine liebsten Digital Delays

Oft werde ich gefragt, welche meine Favoriten unter den Delays sind und ich muss gestehen, dass ich mich mit der Beantwortung dieser Frage wahnsinnig schwertue.
Trotzdem bin ich mal in mich gegangen und habe in den Kategorien analog Delays, digital Delays und Tape Emulationen jeweils eine Top-Gruppe zusammengestellt.
Innerhalb der Gruppen gilt, dass die Nennung der einzelnen Delays, beziehungsweise ihre Reihenfolge in den Videos nichts darüber aussagt, welches von ihnen ich am besten finde.
Ich könnte kein klares Ranking in den Gruppen vornehmen, weil ich mich zwischen den jeweils vorgestellten Delays mit ihren Vorzügen und „Nachteilen“ (wenn man meine Kritikpunkte überhaupt als solche bezeichnen kann) nicht entscheiden könnte. Daher erfolgt ihre Nennung in alphabetischer Reihenfolge.
In diesem letzten Teil der Serie geht es um meine liebsten digital Delays.

0:03 Boss DD-200 Continue reading “Meine liebsten Digital Delays”

My favorite digital delay pedals

Many times, I have been asked about my favorite delay pedals and I must confess, that this question is soo hard to answer to.
Nevertheless, after a long time of thinking and trying, I figured out groups of my favorite delays regarding the categories analog delays, digital delays and tape emulations.
The order of the delays within the respective group or video is no ranking for I am unable to tell which of them I like best. Thus, the presentation is according to the alphabetical order of their names.
This last part is dedicated to my favorite digital delay pedals. Continue reading “My favorite digital delay pedals”

MXR Carbon Copy Deluxe or Eventide Rose?

Ask the DudeA reader’s question to the Dude:

“I have a question about two delay pedals, one of which I own and another I do not, but am interested in. You have demoed both on your channel, just never head to head.
The pedal I currently run on my board is a MXR Carbon Copy Deluxe. I love the pedal. I am running a professional tele through it into a Deluxe Reverb, and I love how it stays warm and doesn’t color my tone the way a lot of the digital delays seem to.
For some reason though, I am constantly looking at other delays thinking, “Ohhh, that will be the one I should replace the MXR with.” I am not looking to replace it, but, I don’t know why I keep looking at other ones.
This brings me to the other pedal, the Eventide Rose.
Seems awesome, and has that feeling of the MXR, but I cannot find any direct comparison videos of both.
I was hoping you could just tell me what you think about the two of them in comparison. Continue reading “MXR Carbon Copy Deluxe or Eventide Rose?”