Why do I not sound like my idol?

Ask the DudeSome guitarists might think “Stevie Ray Vaughan uses an Ibanez Tubescreamer – when I get myself a Tubescreamer too, I will sound like him.” Or “Eric Johnson is using a BK Butler Tube Drive for his lead tone, by using the same pedal I will also create exactly this sound.” Continue reading “Why do I not sound like my idol?”

Effect history (Part 2): The 60s – transistor pedals

Effect PedalThe new transistor-technique

The first fuzz-pedals have been invented in the early 60s. One of the first pedals using the new transistor-technique was the Maestro Fuzz Tone Pedal which became famous by the Song “Satisfaction” of the Rolling Stones. Continue reading “Effect history (Part 2): The 60s – transistor pedals”