Review: Boss DD-8 part II

Boss DD8After you have learned all about the construction and the standard sounds of the Boss DD-8 in the first part of this review, I will now introduce the special modes of this compact digital delay. Continue reading “Review: Boss DD-8 part II”

Review: Boss DD-8 part I

Boss DD8The Boss DD-8 is the most recent compact Boss delay and the direct successor of the DD-7.
In this two- part review, I will first present facts about the construction and the standard sounds of the Boss DD-8, before, in the second part, I will dedicate myself to the special modes of this compact digital delay. Continue reading “Review: Boss DD-8 part I”

Is there a delay sounding like the Deluxe Memory Man? Part2

Ask the DudeThe Big Box Deluxe Memory Man is by far one of the best delays that have ever been invented.
But the size of the enclosure is tremendous.

But is there a delay that sounds like the Electro Harmonix Deluxe Memory Man? Continue reading “Is there a delay sounding like the Deluxe Memory Man? Part2”