YouTube recommendation: “fuzz the sound that revolutionized the world”

NewsBecause of Corona we all spend much time at home. Time, that can be used quite profitably by learning something new. For all those, who would like to learn everything about the history of fuzz effects, I would like to recommend the documentary „fuzz the sound that revolutionized the world“. Continue reading “YouTube recommendation: “fuzz the sound that revolutionized the world””

+++ News: Corona Virus in the world of music +++

NewsThe Corona virus has a tight grip on the world. Therefore, it is understandable, but nevertheless, very sad, that events all over the world have to be cancelled. Same applies for the SUPERBOOTH. The next SUPERBOOTH will take place in May 2021.
But at the same time, many manufacturers support musicians in using the social distancing to realize new and creative ideas. Continue reading “+++ News: Corona Virus in the world of music +++”


Superbooth_2020During the period from April 23 through April 25 it is again time for the SUPERBOOTH in Berlin if the circumstances regarding Corona permitt.
At this legendary synthesizer exhibition, you will find numerous exhibitors presenting well-known and new friends, workshops and concerts.
This year, there will also be new area, exclusively for DIY.
On the outdoor area will be presentations and artistic installations.
I am really looking forward to turn the pots and to dive into the world of synths.
More than 260 exhibitors from all over the world will present their analog and digital devices from the field of music instruments, synthesizers, drum computers, software and effect pedals.

As mentioned above: if Corona allows us to visit the SUPERBOOTH 2020, click here to get your tickets.
And, of course, there will also be the boat shuttle again. This time, accompanied by concerts and DJ sets.