Review: Strymon NightSky – Part 2

Strymon NightSkyThis is the second part of the review about the Strymon NightSky.
While the first part was about the construction and the extensive functions of the NightSky, this second part is dedicated to the sound of this brilliant effect pedal.


The description oft the numerous pots and switches clearly suggests the extend and the unique character of the Strymon NightSky.
Those, who are looking for a room, spring, plate or reverb sound, ought to choose another pedal (although a sophisticated adjustment allows to create such sounds). But the NightSky has been designed for something bigger.
With it, you want to create spheres, dive into infinite worlds and produce broad soundscapes.
Sparse creates single reflections that are also suitable as a delay effect. The dense mode which in a certain way reminds of a plate reverb, produces more extensive reverb trails.
And diffuse reverb is an atmospheric, almost a bit blurred reverb that is perfect for ambient and swell.

Sonic frills

By combining these reverb sounds with a little bit modulation, you can generate almost infinite soundscapes. The filter allows a fine adjustment of the tone. Without high cut, the sound gets clear and superficial, while a slightly cut treble creates darker reverb surfaces that drift through the background.

In contrast to other reverb effects that always add the upper octave to the shimmer, you can add different intervals when you use the NightSky. And lower intervals as well can hardly be created with other pedals. Thereby, you can produce a really dark atmosphere.

The Drive adds some overdrive to the original signal or the reverb.
And for those who still long for more setting options, there are also several secondary functions like for example drive gain, pre delay, glide time and glimmer gain. Actually, almost every parameter can be adjusted.

Diving into a new kind of playing guitar

The massive soundscape that can be created with the NightSky almost makes you forget to play and one is inclined to produce single notes that are modulated in the reverb.
This can be an advantage and a disadvantage at the same time and the target group of this effect pedal somehow gets determined to shoegazing and soundscaping.
I think, that the NightSky will definitively be involved in the creation of numerous soundtracks in the future.

For every single parameter can be controlled via midi, a DAW or a good controller allow to automate all settings. With a little fine tuning it is possible to adapt the sounds to every song.


The NightSky is not thought to replace the Strymon BigSky anyway. It is not a common reverb pedal, but an ambient monster.
The pedal is really inspiring and make you think outside the box.
And the name describes the sound of the dark blue stompbox perfectly: endless dark surfaces with a little shimmer and glimmer in a constant movement.